1, What is IP Rating?

IP stands for International Protection Marking.

The first number shows how well it can resist dust;

The second number shows how well it can resist water flow;

The third number shows how well it can resist water flowing from any direction.


The following diagram will help you to understand the protection levels better corresponding to different values in IP rating.


IP55 Waterproof

IP55: 5 represents good dust-proof and touch protection, and 5 represents good moisture-proofing.

Application: Suitable for dry or wet areas, such as the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. It’s not recommended to use it where water can be splashed.

IP65 Waterproof

IP65: 6 represents good dust-proof and touch protection. 5 stands for preventing spraying water from all directions.

Application: Suitable for wet or water-splashed areas for e.g. the kitchen, bathroom, and eaves. As the casing is hollow, it’s not recommended for outdoor use.

IP67 Waterproof

IP67: 6 represents good dust-proof and touch protection. 7 stands for underwater protection against water intrusion.

Application: can be immersed in water, such as a swimming pool, or fish tank.